Sam Breed

Product Developer, Investor

Links, May 2023

A bouquet of open tabs

( a field of tall grass in the middle of a city ) by James Jean People in the distance, looking up at something in the sky. The colors are very muted, and there is a sense of foreboding. High Quality, Heavy Grain. best of flickr. by artist artgerm. Stable Diffusion v1.5
( a field of tall grass in the middle of a city ) by James Jean People in the distance, looking up at something in the sky. The colors are very muted, and there is a sense of foreboding. High Quality, Heavy Grain. best of flickr. by artist artgerm. Stable Diffusion v1.5

All the wet weather this winter has indeed brought May flowers in Northern California.

Since the high of the marathon last month I have fully recovered and started a new training cycle for my first Dipsea on June 11. The Dipsea is an 8 mile elevation-heavy trail race from downtown Mill Valley to Stinson Beach and is the oldest organized trail race in the US. It’s limited to 1500 people and berths go first to previous participants before opening to new racers, so I feel very lucky to have been accepted on my first try. I’ll drop a race report when it’s done.

Meanwhile, the tabs collected. No individual-link hot takes this month, but the AI content is unrelenting and difficult to absorb and reflect on.

Ok, maybe just one 🔥. The AI Cannon post from a16z has tens of hours of reading, which may or may not be required (essential?) to understand the nature of the current boom. They last boom they hyped was quite hollow, but that shouldn’t discount the insights they are sharing about the AI canard.




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