Sam Breed

Product Developer, Investor

The great link drought of 2024

whoops I stopped linkdumping

I had a good run with my linkdump blog posts. Here’s why I stopped, followed by a brief list of links.

I’ve never been able to blog consistently, despite keeping a daily writing habit going for many years now. Just look at the sad history of my posts: mostly clustered around holidays or, in true developer fashion, when I make updates to my website.

The main reason for petering out after February 2024: I switched to using the Arc Browser for my daily driver.

Arc isn’t without controversy. I’ve heard complaints about their shift towards AI features like search indexing and summarization. For me, those features are not what makes Arc interesting: it’s the design.

One UX feature that caught me off guard when I first started using it: it automatically discards unpinned tabs after 24 hours. While the timeout can be adjusted, this significantly disrupted in my blogging strategy of letting dead interesting tabs accumulate for a month before compiling them into a list to post here.

As source of tabs dried up, I stopped posting. As a consequence, the criteria for me saving a link became more rigorous: I needed to remember to capture it somehow, usually by moving it to a text document.

It’s telling how badly broken browser bookmarking is that I never considered saving these as acutal bookmarks. The same goes for Pinboard. Ideally, these linkdumps to be built up automatically, perhaps through a heuritic analysis of my browser history.






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