Product Developer, Investor
whoops I stopped linkdumping
my side of the internet
what's happening in the world of links
Every month I turn my open browser tabs into a blog post.
Making my links posts searchable
How to build a toy search engine with vector similarity search
How I use little Web Components (Custom Elements) to improve my website
Every month I turn my open browser tabs into a blog post.
shorter days for links
faintly falling, falling faintly, fall links
shaking out the tabs from the bottom of the bag
too many tabs, not enough time
like a playlist but for my open tabs
Race overview from my very first running of The Dipsea on June 11, 2023
A bouquet of open tabs
Race overview from my very first marathon at Big Sur on April 30, 2023
Free range tabs
The AI Overlords have approved of these links
The link posting will continue until morale improves!
what's happening in the world of links
More links to tabs I've kept open for 4 months
Links! more links to things I've had open for most of August 2022
Leaving Twitter
Links! more links to things I've had open
I have 16 open browser tabs RIGHT NOW
A non-exhaustive list of the books I'm reading in <year>
A non-exhaustive list of the books I'm reading in 2017
In 2007 I had no job, no insurance, and was in debt. But it was still a good year.
I recently used Next.js 3 to make a static blog. Learn how I did it!
DNSCrypt is a great way to ensure that your browsing history isn't being spyed on. Learn how to set up DNSCrypt to keep your DNS traffic from prying eyes.
A non-exhaustive list of the books I'm reading in 2016
A story about how I've come to embrace odd metaphors to color language